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  1.  56
    The Artwork Made Me Do It: Introduction to the New Sociology of Art.Eduardo De La Fuente - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 103 (1):3-9.
    The sociology of art has experienced a significant revival during the last three decades. However, in the first instance, this renewed interest was dominated by the ‘production of culture’ perspective and was heavily focused on contextual factors such as the social organization of artistic markets and careers, and displays of ‘cultural capital’ through consumption of the arts. In this article, I outline a new mode of approaching art sociologically that begins with Alfred Gell’s (1998) Art and Agency, but comes to (...)
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  2.  30
    The sonic framing of place: Microsociology, urban atmospheres and quiet hour shopping.Eduardo de la Fuente & Michael James Walsh - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 172 (1):131-149.
    In this article we examine the sonic framing of place. Our theoretical approach combines Goffman’s microsociology (and its sociology of music/sound studies off-shoots) with an account of sound in the urban atmospheres literature. Drawing on the work of French urban sociologist Jean-Paul Thibaud and associated work on sound in urban environments by the CRESSON research centre, we propose that sound frames activity in particular ways, including by infusing self and space with a certain tone, and by rendering places more or (...)
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  3.  15
    Aesthetic Capitalism.Eduardo De La Fuente & Peter Murphy (eds.) - 2014 - Brill.
    Aesthetic Capitalism offers an innovative analysis of contemporary capitalism and its use of image, symbolism, creativity and other aesthetic elements to produce economic value.
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    Music as Negative Theology.Eduardo de la Fuente - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):57-79.
    Jean-Francois Lyotard's essay `Adorno as the Devil' had argued that Theodor Adorno's Philosophy of Modern Music was a `diabolic' work of `negative theology' which attributed to Schoenberg's music a secret redemptive power. However, in his later writings, such as the essays in The Inhuman, Lyotard has himself moved close to a `negative theological' position with respect to modernity, time, aesthetics and music. The paper uses the occasion of Lyotard's own theologically inspired essays on music, `God and Puppet' and `Obedience', to (...)
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  5.  70
    Profane’ rather than ‘secular.Eduardo de la Fuente - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 118 (1):105-115.
    Daniel Bell’s writings are often cast as offering a contemporary jeremiad regarding the corrosive effects of culture upon the modern economic and social order. In this paper, I take the opposite approach and argue that Bell is a sensitive cultural analyst who is claiming that human experience ought not to be deprived of culture – understood as symbol and myth that tap into the felt need for human transcendence. Bell could therefore be seen as a strong advocate for the concept (...)
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  6.  76
    Paradoxes of communication: The case of modern classical music.Eduardo De La Fuente - 2010 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1 (2):237-250.
    This article examines how the twentieth-century composer dealt with the paradox of communicating with the composer's own self and with other musicians, but not with the public at large.
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  7.  23
    Introduction to thinking place: Materiality, atmospheres and spaces of belonging.Eduardo de la Fuente, Margaret Gibson, Michael James Walsh & Magdalena Szypielewicz - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 172 (1):3-15.
    This introduction positions the special issue by highlighting the inherent relationality of place as well as how place is not just an object of analysis but something that shapes thinking, writing and experiences of the world. We reflect on why sociology has found it somewhat more difficult than its social science counterparts to give place the centrality it merits, and discuss whether this reflects a problem with dealing with questions of ‘scale’ and thinking the ‘in-betweenness’ of place. We assess important (...)
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  8. Review Essay: Exemplary Stories: On the Uses of Biography in Recent Sociology. [REVIEW]Eduardo de la Fuente - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 97 (1):115-129.
    Review Essay: Exemplary Stories: On the Uses of Biography in Recent Sociology: Alan Sica and Stephen Turner The Disobedient Generation: Social Theorists in the Sixties ; Mathieu Deflem Sociologists in a Global Age: Biographical Perspectives ; Anthony Elliott and Charles Lemert, The New Individualism: The Emotional Costs of Globalization.
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  9. Book Review: Complex Entanglements: Art, Globalization and Cultural Difference. [REVIEW]Eduardo de la Fuente - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 81 (1):137-141.
  10.  17
    Book Review Essay: The Unmasking Style in Social Theory. [REVIEW]Eduardo de la Fuente - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 166 (1):151-158.
    Peter Baehr's new book examines unmasking in the history of social theory, politics and contemporary media. In this review, I focus on the assessment of styles of theorizing in social theory and sociology in particular. Baehr shows that through its inheritance of an Enlightenment commitment to a critique of power and domination, mainstream sociology have absorbed an “unmasking” model of critique where instead of “scientific refutation” or “principled disagreement” what is practiced is the removal of a “disguise”. I consider the (...)
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  11.  18
    Sociology and Aesthetics. [REVIEW]Eduardo de la Fuente - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (2):235-247.
    This review explores the present fashion for aesthetics in contemporary sociology. It evaluates the claims that society is undergoing a deep-seated process of aestheticization, and that sociology is experiencing an aestheticization of its epistemological concerns. The aestheticization literature is divided as follows: (1) the re-reading of classical sociological theory through the aesthetic dimension of modernity; (2) the claim that postmodern society involves an `aestheticization of everyday life'; and (3) those sociological theories which stress that contemporary society is more and more (...)
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  12.  7
    Book review: Imaginative Possession: Learning to Live in the Antipodes. [REVIEW]Eduardo de la Fuente - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 172 (1):197-200.
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